Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Comps Time

Comps Time

This is an old post I found in my drafts folder but never published. This was obviously written as I began work on written comprehensive exams in January. Obviously I felt no urge to report of my progress after day one! 


The time is here, the task is at hand. Today, my cohort and I embarked on the next great hurdle of our Ph.D. careers -- the dreaded comps. I was sitting in the lobby of Grand Rapids Theological Seminary waiting to meet first-year HALE Ph.D. student Graham McKeague, who had possession of my goodie bag supplied by the first-year cohort to wish us luck, when it happened. I pulled up my email on my phone and there it was -- the email containing the comps questions. And so it began at a little after 8 a.m.
Day one goal: choose my questions, outline my answers, get my resources in order, maybe write a little. Three out of four ain't bad. 

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